
Lab week 8. Working with summary statistics

Manhattan Plots, QQplots and genetic correlations matrices

Alternative plots using package manhattanly

This first part of the lab will use Rstudio.

Use R to download the summary statistics

download.file("", dest="EA2_results.txt.gz")

Import the summary statistics in R

EAgwasResults<-read.table("EA2_results.txt.gz", header=T)


This is a very large file, we can spped up things by selecting ony SNPS with Pvalue <0.005

EAgwasResults<-subset(EAgwasResults, Pval<0.0005)

We can use a library created to plot manhattan plots Load the manhattanly library


Create Manhattan plot

manhattanly(EAgwasResults, snp = "MarkerName" , bp="POS", p="Pval", chr="CHR")

We can use the same library to plot QQplots

qqly(EAgwasResults, snp = "MarkerName" , bp="POS", p="Pval", chr="CHR")

PLotting genetic correlations in R

import data on genetic correlation

data_rg<-read.table("LD-Hub_genetic_correlation_example.txt",fill =T, sep="\t", header=T, quote="") 

draw heatmap

ggplot(data = data_rg, aes(Trait1, Trait2, fill = rg))+
    geom_tile(color = "white")+
    scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red", mid = 
                                 "white",  midpoint = 0, limit = 
            c(-1.1,1.1), space = "Lab",
              name="Genetic\nCorrelation") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, 
          size = 8, hjust = 1))+

Locus zoom

Look at results for BMI LOOK at SNP rs9939609

search at 16:53820527

Look for Genetic correlation from the ATLAS

This second part of the lab needs python 2.7 installed in your computer. We recommend the anaconda distribution

The next commands show how to install it in google shell

First, some data cleaning to free some space on the google shell account

cd /home/nicola_barban/Sociogenomics/Data/
rm *.*

cd /home/nicola_barban/Sociogenomics/Results/
rm *.*

This requires time and installs miniconda (which is a python distribution) in the system

cd /home/nicola_barban/Sociogenomics/Software
wget -O ~/
bash ~/ -b -p 
rm ~/
source $HOME/miniconda3/bin/activate

This installs LDSC in your system

cd /home/nicola_barban/Sociogenomics/Software
git clone

cd ldsc

Congratulations you have installed LDSC now you have to install some packeges that LDSC uses for its calculations

conda env create --file environment.yml
source activate ldsc

Now, let’s check if everything works

./ -h
./ -h

This is the LDSC command to estimate heritability. We need the following files:

  1. Giant_Height2018.txt.gz
  2. w_hm3.snplist
cd /home/nicola_barban/Sociogenomics

First we need to “munge” summary statistics, that is to make ti comparable with reference data that have info on LD scores

##This takes a lot of time. you can skip this and find the prepared data in the folder

python Software/ldsc/ \
  --sumstats Data/Giant_Height2018.txt.gz \
  --snp SNP \
  --N-col N \
  --a1 Tested_Allele \
  --a2 Other_Allele \
  --p P \
  --frq Freq_Tested_Allele_in_HRS \
  --out Results/height \
  --merge-alleles Data/w_hm3.snplist

The folder eur_w_ld_chr/ contains the LD scores that are merged with our summary statistics

python Software/ldsc/ \
 --h2 Data/height.sumstats.gz \
 --ref-ld-chr Data/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
 --w-ld-chr Data/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
 --out Results/height_h2

Now we can try to estimate genetic correlation between height and educational attainment.

First, we need to prepare data for Educational Attainment

##This takes a lot of time. you can skip this and find the prepared data in the folder

python Software/ldsc/ \
   --sumstats Data/EA2_results.txt.gz \
   --snp SNP\
   --N 500000 \
   --a1 A1 \
   --a2 A2 \
   --p Pval \
   --frq EAF \
   --out Reults/Educ \
   --merge-alleles Data/w_hm3.snplist

And this is finally the command to estimate genetic correlation

python Software/ldsc/ \
 --rg Data/height.sumstats.gz,Data/Educ.sumstats.gz  \
 --ref-ld-chr Data/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
 --w-ld-chr Data/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
 --out Results/height_educ